Chemo round 2 update! We had a big (long) day today! Started off with installing his new picc line. They decided to do that this morning rather than earlier this week and everything went great! His arm is a little sore but that should go away pretty soon. He also had labs drawn and we met with his oncologist Dr. Shalaby right after. Dr. Shalaby was also encouraged that Clayton has not had any pain since the first round of chemo! He believes that the chemo is working to target the cancer! Another REALLY encouraging piece of news we found out today… his CEA’s have gone DOWN! CEA’s are a marker that measure the presence of cancer in your body and it’s one of the things his lab draws measure each time we go. We are all SO encouraged by that, including Dr. Shalaby!!! Jesus is hearing all of our requests and answering! It’s the first piece of good news we have had since Dec. 12th, so we are clinging to it! THANK YOU for praying for him everyday! We KNOW God is working!! We will continue to do wound care on his port site for the next 10-14 days to make sure it heals without infection, but we are leaving todays chemo feeling very VERY encouraged that God is moving and healing Clayton’s body!! Please be praying for him over the next week as he deals with the side effects from the chemo. We have been told they may last longer and be more intense with each treatment. We are so, SO thankful for each one of you walking beside us and interceding on Clayton’s behalf!
Praying daily at 10am. I set my alarm to remind me to stand with you in faith! Claiming By Jesus Stripes Clayton is healed. 🙏
Lord you have healed the blind, lame, leper, and even raised Lazarus from the dead. We have faith in your healing power and ask you to remove this cancer from Clayton’s body completely!
Keep fighting the fight, Jesus, as you know, is tlright there beside you every step of the way and so is your Family and Friends. I can only IMAGINE what you are going through. Sending up Prayers as I send this. 🙏☝️🙏
Great winning news, Clayton !!! Praying and continuing to lift you up to the great Physician!!! He has the plan and purpose - He hears our prayers and praise!!
So thankful for your good news!! I know it has lifted your spirits! Continued prayers for the port site to heal and for chemo to do its job. ❤️