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Brandon Gwinn

Chemo Update - 3/28/24

From Darby: We just talked to Shalaby’s nurse practitioner, and she went over the results of the scan with us. Just like everything with cancer, it’s not black and white and there is still a long road ahead, But we believe this is the first miracle God is performing!! The good news is it looks like the tumors are responding to the treatment! The spots in his abdomen and colon have shrunk by 33%, they are not gone, but they ARE smaller! We have also been waiting for this scan to see if these unknown spots in his chest cavity responded to the treatment or not. When we first scanned, they were not sure if they were cancerous or if they were nothing to be worried about, but the spots in his chest HAVE been responding to the treatment - some are smaller and some are gone (!) but that means they ARE cancerous…There is also another new spot that has shown up on the scan that we are not sure yet if it’s cancerous or not, and it is still small, but it is something that we will watch in the future on scans. Clayton will receive two more treatments on these 2 chemo drug infusions, but will have to stop one of them because it is too toxic for someone to do more than six treatments. He will still continue with the chemo pills at home and the other chemo infusion (Avastin) for awhile, until we either need to attack it with another chemo drug, or switch up our protocol. As of now, we are still unsure of what the future will hold with surgery but are hoping we will know something more concrete at his next treatment on Monday when we meet with Shalaby. ANY progress with cancer is still encouraging to have! We know God is still with us, he HAS heard all of our prayers for the treatments to be working, and we STILL trust that He is in control. Thank you all for your prayers so far, please keep praying with us for Clayton to feel well enough to finish these last 2 treatments with both chemo drugs and for God to heal his body!

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Mar 29

Wonderful news! Keep fighting Clayton and we will keep praying💪🏼! How was his white blood cell count? Will he be able to get the full dose at his next treatment?


Mar 29

Progress! You have to be ready for this to be done-you’re well down the road and making progress. Praying for His complete healing, Clayton! Go Darby!


Mar 29

We are praying and appreciate the report. We know God has a plan and we will keep our eyes focused on HIM as we continue to pray for and plead for healing for Clayton. We pray too for each family member as they walk along side him on this journey. Keep remembering … “what time I am afraid, I will trust in thee!” ❤️

Kae Rae and Stan Austin

Amarillo, Texas

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