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Brandon Gwinn

PET Scan Day - PRAY! 7/9/24

From Darby: TODAY at 3pm Clayton will have his first PET scan. So far, we’ve only done a scan of his torso. This will be a FULL picture of every spot of cancer in his body. The days leading up to a scan are always full of every single emotion- anxiousness, fear, hope, denial, readiness…all of it. But if there’s one thing God has taught me over the last 7 months, it’s how to worship despite what the scans show. Do we want the scan to be clear, or just reveal what we already know to be there? Absolutely. Are we afraid there will be more cancer present than we already know about? Yep. Absolutely. But what I KNOW, no matter what those scans show, it’s that God is worthy of worship.

I have fought harder these last seven months, and wrestled DEEP in my heart while worshiping, to know that God‘s goodness and his ability to be trusted do not hinge on a result. He is with us, and has been with us since Dec 12th. Anytime we have talked about or sung about God‘s goodness, I have questioned in my own heart…Do I really believe this even if we don’t hear what we want to hear? Do I truly believe in the sovereignty of God and his faithfulness in my life even if our prayers for healing are not answered? And I can truly say, that in the wrestling of my heart, God has given me a peace. He will not leave us. He is WITH us. Singing this song yesterday at church God reassured me that no matter what answers we get this week, it does not change His promises for us. He will not fail us, and the results do not change that truth. So we wait, but we wait with hope.

“Perfect submission, all is at rest

I know the author of tomorrow has ordered my steps

So this is my story and this is my song

I’m praising my risen King and Savior all the day long

I trust in God, my Savior

The one who will never fail

He will never fail

I trust in God, my Savior

The one who will never fail

He will never fail

He didn’t fail you then

He won’t fail you now”

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