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Brandon Gwinn

Update - 12/30/23

Clayton's oncology office was gracious in giving them a couple of days to process the information from his diagnosis last week before moving on to all of his upcoming appointments. But we now have confirmation that he will have his chemo port put in on either the 5th or 8th, depending on scheduling, and his first chemo treatment will be on Jan 12th after a face to face meeting with his oncologist. He was out of town last week and still wanted Clayton to know what his diagnosis was, but did not want to give it to him over the phone. So we are grateful for his care for them. Please be praying for Clayton’s pain as it has been a little worse over the last few days. Also, knowing now that it’s the cancer that's causing the pain is an unnerving feeling. Pray for good sleep for him, for their kids to continue processing what is going on and for all of them to continue trusting Jesus that no matter what. He is where our hope is found!

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Jan 03

Brian and I just saw this. Clayton, our brother and friend, we are stopping right now and praying for God to heal you, bring peace and hope to your family. Love you so much!

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